Saturday, December 22, 2018

Scheduling an Observation

Wayaway Observatory is in its infancy and not all the awesome infrastructure is available yet for you to request and set up an observing session yourself.  At the moment, you will have to email observing details to the telescope operator at  The operator will calculate the observing time required to perform the observation(s) and email you back a detailed quote.  Payments are made via paypal.  Once the payment is received, the observation will be entered into the observing calendar.  A confirmation email and a receipt will be sent to you, and you'll also get a receipt from paypal.

The information needed for each observation is:
  • Date and Time of Observation (UTC)
  • Target Name and/or Equatorial Coordinates (Right Ascension and Declination)
  • Number of Images to Acquire
  • Exposure Time (seconds)
  • Filter (Red, Green, Blue, Clear)
  • Binning (1x1, 2x2, 3x3) or Subarray (offset from origin in x and y, x size, and y ysize)
  • Google Hangout Request (optional)
Please make a separate request for each observation.  Multiple observation requests can be made in a single email. If you need assistance planning your observation, please contact the telescope operator at

When the observation is complete, all raw and calibration data will be made available to you within 24 hours either via email or placed on a cloud drive that you'll have access to.

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